March 17, 2007

A Proposed Outreach to the Homeless of Reno/Sparks

The Need

A report by the Nevada cities of Reno and Sparks, and Washoe County, states that at the start of 2006, family earnings needed to be at least $16.92 per hour in order to afford a two-bedroom apartment, and that a single person had to earn $13.69 per hour to rent a one-bedroom apartment.

During the same period the median wage for a single wage earner was $10.72.

This translates into a dismal situation for those people who are unable to break out of the poverty trap. A sense of hopelessness pervades the people living in these motels, particularly along the 4th Street corridor. Many of these people turn with greater intensity to alcohol and drugs to avoid facing the pain of their daily existence, further deepening their misery.

The scale of the problem is illustrated by these statistics:

- In the Reno area, roughly 4,000 people live in weekly motels, and are under-housed. In addition there are approximately 900 further long-term motel residents who are also considered to be under-housed.

- Around 300 people find shelter at homeless shelters, particularly the Men’s Drop-In Center on Record Street.

- Approximately 200 people camp out along the banks of the Truckee River, though this varies depending on the weather

Many of these homeless, especially those addicted to substance abuse, will die in the next few years as a result of their deteriorating condition.

We cannot stand by and watch this happen without offering help to them, and we have a desire and a responsibility to present Jesus to them as he is the only one who can make lasting change in their lives, both now and beyond the grave.

The Vision

Our vision is to ultimately reach each homeless, needy and addicted person in the Reno area by winning their trust and helping them find local resources on a physical level, and at the same time extending an invitation from Jesus to find hope, healing and recovery, and a fresh start in life.

Phase One – Truckee River Outreach
- reach the homeless and people seeking employment, many of whom are Hispanic, along the Truckee River, particularly in the Galletti Way area
- distribute food and coffee as we gain their trust
- give them help in finding resources for food, shelter, work and clothing
- start a Bible study and pray with them, starting March 18

Phase Two – Outreach to Reno motels and trailer parks
- visit targeted motels and trailer parks
- offer groceries or gift cards for groceries
- offer them a Bible
- offer help in finding resources for child care, accommodation, rehabilitation
- locate suitable venue for Bible studies, 12-step meetings, biblical counseling, etc.
- plan a WOW-Jam outreach to reach the 4th Street corridor with the gospel

Phase Three – Rehabilitation facility
- secure a permanent facility for rehabilitation, Spiritual, and vocational training, where the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and friendship are met on a daily basis
- provide vocational training, computer skills, office skills
- teach ESL, marriage and parenting skills, basic financial skills
- provide group and individual biblical counseling
- provide a venue where teenagers can come as an alternative to street life


The proposed outreach would help the Hillside Foursquare church be more involved in tangibly reaching a people group in Reno, which has been largely untouched by the charismatic community. These people desperately need Jesus.

“For I was hungry, and you gave me food: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: I was naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me …
"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” Matthew 25: 35-40 NKJ

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