April 08, 2007

4-8-2007 - Easter service

Date: 4-8-2007

Today we were late in arriving, for various reasons. A lot of the people to whom we normally minister were no longer present. This made for a more intimate presentation of the Easter message, that Jesus did not only die for our sins, but that he is alive and well, and seeks to bring healing and restoration into our lives. This week we did not have our usual spanish interpreter, but God provided for us, in the form of a bi-lingual Hispanic young man. He seemed to do an awesome job in translating, even anticipating what I was going to say. I believe God anointed him to preach, at least on this occassion - he was really getting through! One gentleman (M.) said he wanted to accept Jesus, so we led him in praying the sinner's prayer. A lady also seemed to be interested. We explained about baptism and arranged with the gentleman that we could baptize him on April 22. We pray that he will stay focussed and will take this step of expressing outwardly what has happened to him on the inside, surrendering his old life to Jesus, so he can now walk in newness of life. Please pray for these people that their faith would be strong. How awesome that God is granting Kingdom fruit to be harvested!

April 01, 2007

4-1-2007 - "Why Did Jesus Die?"

Date: 4-1-2007

The subject for today's meeting was Jesus' crucifixion. This is the next session in the Alpha series, but it was particularly appropriate this week as this coming Friday is Good Friday. The meeting went well, I am thankful the disturbance of the first meeting has not been repeated. The group seems to be consistently made up largely of our Hispanic friends, with a few others who drop in and out sporadically. Today there were once again around 15 listeners. The subject was moving, as it spoke of someone who loved each of us so much that he gave his life for us. It impacted those listening, and you could see that the message was hitting home. One lady said she wanted to accept Jesus into her life, so we prayed with her for the forgiveness of her sins, and encouraged her to maintain the purity of this fresh start she had been given. It was very hard for this lady however, and I pray that God will keep her safe. It seems that even though speaking through an interpreter is difficult, the Holy Spirit is not limited by this!

March 25, 2007

3-25-2007 - "Who Was Jesus?"

Date: 3-25-2007

The second Bible study involved a new mix of people. Some of these friends were Hispanic, others spoke English. Around 14 people had joined us. Some of these were people who slept in their cars, others were our Hispanic friends. This study was about the person of Jesus and the fact that his existence was recorded in history books (scrolls) dating from the first century. Rico translated very well, and gave his own testimony too! After the talk, we discussed the subject of Jesus and the need to be born again. We all joined hands in prayer, and asked God to send these hard-working people employment. It is not easy to conduct a bi-lingual discussion - I feel I will need to learn Spanish. On the way back we distributed food to a further 10 people or so.

March 18, 2007

3-18-2007 - First Bible study - "Is Christianity Relevant?"

Date: 3-18-2007

Today was the first Bible study! Around 18 people attended as we gathered down by the riverside, around one of the park benches. We had brought along food from church and we led the Bible study on the subject "Is Christianity Relevant?" (This is session 1 of the Alpha course for new Christians, which seemed a good way to start). One of our friends from the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission was prepared to be an interpreter for the meeting, which worked quite well. The group was attentive and listening hard to the translation. A woman joined our group and started to interrupt the proceedings. After she had been asked to be quiet, Dianne took her aside. It became apparent that this lady had some severe issues, so we prayed with her and she calmed down. It seemed to us that the enemy was not going to allow this new venture to go unchallenged! The audience did not seem to be rattled by this experience, however, and said they would return the following week.

March 17, 2007

A Proposed Outreach to the Homeless of Reno/Sparks

The Need

A report by the Nevada cities of Reno and Sparks, and Washoe County, states that at the start of 2006, family earnings needed to be at least $16.92 per hour in order to afford a two-bedroom apartment, and that a single person had to earn $13.69 per hour to rent a one-bedroom apartment.

During the same period the median wage for a single wage earner was $10.72.

This translates into a dismal situation for those people who are unable to break out of the poverty trap. A sense of hopelessness pervades the people living in these motels, particularly along the 4th Street corridor. Many of these people turn with greater intensity to alcohol and drugs to avoid facing the pain of their daily existence, further deepening their misery.

The scale of the problem is illustrated by these statistics:

- In the Reno area, roughly 4,000 people live in weekly motels, and are under-housed. In addition there are approximately 900 further long-term motel residents who are also considered to be under-housed.

- Around 300 people find shelter at homeless shelters, particularly the Men’s Drop-In Center on Record Street.

- Approximately 200 people camp out along the banks of the Truckee River, though this varies depending on the weather

Many of these homeless, especially those addicted to substance abuse, will die in the next few years as a result of their deteriorating condition.

We cannot stand by and watch this happen without offering help to them, and we have a desire and a responsibility to present Jesus to them as he is the only one who can make lasting change in their lives, both now and beyond the grave.

The Vision

Our vision is to ultimately reach each homeless, needy and addicted person in the Reno area by winning their trust and helping them find local resources on a physical level, and at the same time extending an invitation from Jesus to find hope, healing and recovery, and a fresh start in life.

Phase One – Truckee River Outreach
- reach the homeless and people seeking employment, many of whom are Hispanic, along the Truckee River, particularly in the Galletti Way area
- distribute food and coffee as we gain their trust
- give them help in finding resources for food, shelter, work and clothing
- start a Bible study and pray with them, starting March 18

Phase Two – Outreach to Reno motels and trailer parks
- visit targeted motels and trailer parks
- offer groceries or gift cards for groceries
- offer them a Bible
- offer help in finding resources for child care, accommodation, rehabilitation
- locate suitable venue for Bible studies, 12-step meetings, biblical counseling, etc.
- plan a WOW-Jam outreach to reach the 4th Street corridor with the gospel

Phase Three – Rehabilitation facility
- secure a permanent facility for rehabilitation, Spiritual, and vocational training, where the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and friendship are met on a daily basis
- provide vocational training, computer skills, office skills
- teach ESL, marriage and parenting skills, basic financial skills
- provide group and individual biblical counseling
- provide a venue where teenagers can come as an alternative to street life


The proposed outreach would help the Hillside Foursquare church be more involved in tangibly reaching a people group in Reno, which has been largely untouched by the charismatic community. These people desperately need Jesus.

“For I was hungry, and you gave me food: I was thirsty, and you gave me drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: I was naked, and you clothed me: I was sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me …
"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.” Matthew 25: 35-40 NKJ

3-17-2007 - Presenting proposal to Hillside Foursquare church council

Date: 3-17-2007

Pastor Louie Locke was so kind as to ask us to present a proposal regarding our planned outreach to the homeless in the Reno/Sparks area. It follows in the next blog. The church council seemed interested in the idea, and are now mulling it over in their minds! Dianne and I had been speaking with Louie and Joni for a few weeks about our heart for the homeless and they had expressed their desire to help in this area as well. Hence the request to speak to the church council! We pray that God's will be done, and will just hang tight till we see the next step to take.

March 11, 2007

3-11-2007 - Praying for Hispanic workers

Date: 3-11-2007

When we drove down Galletti Way, instead of initially offering food to people, we drove straight down to the Fisherman's Park #I at the bottom, near the river. Here there were picnic tables, where we set out the food that we had brought. We have been wondering about the logistics of bringing coffee, etc - maybe that will be possible next week? The Hispanic workers came over from across the road, and even though the person who had invited us was not there, the others were happy to join hands and pray with us. These people seemed sincere in wanting contact with God, and maybe God has been opening their hearts. It was exciting to reach a point of ministry to these people! It seemed appropriate to tell them that we intended to return next week March 18 at 1.00pm, and lead a Bible study, and that they were all very welcome. We packed up the leftovers and distributed the rest of the food to day-laborers and other homeless individuals along the road, telling them about our plans for next week, too.

March 04, 2007

3-4-2007 - Meeting up with day-laborers

Date: 3-4-2007

Fortunately the weather today was much better than last week, the snow has gone and the sun has come out! We went to church this morning at Hillside Foursquare, where Joni was very generous in giving us leftover food from church, to distribute among the homeless. When we drove down to Galletti Way, we found that a lot of Hispanic day-laborers were eagerly awaiting work and swarmed around the car wherever we stopped. They were grateful for the food, however. One bi-lingual person asked us to return next week to pray for them! This particular group had to rush back to work, so there was no time this week. It felt a little like a Macedonian call to us! Where is God taking this effort to reach the underprivileged? We seem to have reached around 25 people today.

February 25, 2007

2-25-2007 - Distribute food, offer shelter, in the snow

Date: 2-25-2007

Today was a snowy day, temperatures were very low. Dianne and I felt we had to go by the river and offer to bring people who were camping out, to shelter at the Men's Drop-in Center. People were happy to accept food, but were reticent to want to go to the shelter, they seemed to prefer being independent, even though they were freezing. We seem to have reached around 20 people.